Update 12/13/23:
City Council approved the extension of the Moratorium for an additional 120 days on December 12, 2023. Ordinance is viewable here: Ordinance No. O-2023-017 

Update 8/11/23:
City Council approved the extension of the Moratorium for an additional 120 days on August 8, 2023. Ordinance is viewable here: Ordinance No. O-2023-011

Update 7/6/23:
We are concentrating heavily on reaching a place where we are confident in the stability of our wells to be able to begin issuing new connections. Unforeseen circumstances have occurred within the last 2 weeks pushing our goal date further than anticipated. Although we understand there are many seeking answers, please be patient for a response as we are giving all of our attention to the situation at hand and all will be notified simultaneously when we are ready to schedule application drop-offs. We’ll be posting regular updates to our website in the coming days and strongly recommend you check it prior to contacting City Staff.

Update 5/22/23:
Although we are very, VERY close, we are still not accepting water/sewer applications/payment, releasing water meters or making new connections at this time. Please wait for further announcements and prepare for connection based on the allocation methods found in the Connection Allocation Letter 5.10.23 .

Update 5/15/23:
This letter was issued following a decision made by City Council on 5/9: Connection Allocation Letter 5.10.23 .
To schedule deposit/application drop off: Crystal Supak or (281) 356-2266 ext 1524.

Update 5/1/23:
The City will have Well No.7 operational in May, Well No.8 operational in late fall, and well No.9 operational in the summer of 2024.

Notice of Public Hearing April 11, 2023 regarding extension of temporary building moratorium.

Update 3/3/23:

Well No. 7 at the Guillemont Water Plant (WP No. 3):  The contractor has been cleaning, developing and test pumping the well.  The well appears to be capable of 1600 gpm which results in 2660 connections.  One of the necessary easements for electrical service has been obtained.  A second easement is awaiting recording and Center Point is moving through the process to get the power dropped to the site.  We do not have an estimate on when the drop will occur.  We will be pulling test samples from the well this week necessary for testing and approval from the TCEQ.  We expect testing to be complete within a week and we expect to submit the package to the TCEQ the day after the results are obtained.  The City is investigating putting in temporary pumping equipment to put the well on as soon as possible while we are awaiting the delivery of the permanent pumping equipment, motor and electrical components.

Well No. 8 (addition to Kelly Plant): The contracts were obtained, a pre-construction conference was held and the contractor moved on-site. Drilling of the well has begun.


Update 1/30/23:

Well No. 7 at the Guillemont Water Plant (WP No. 3):  The Contractor has completed placing the screens and gravel packing the well.  The drilling rig will be removed and a pumping rig will be placed on-site.  The pumping rig will begin cleaning and developing the well.  Upon completion of the development, the contractor will test pump the well to confirm capacity.  Water sampling will also occur to ensure the water meets drinking water standards.  The water will undergo very detailed testing and the results will be sent to the TCEQ for use in the approval to put the well into service for public consumption. We are currently discussing with the Contractor the ability to place a temporary pump, piping and motor on the well to put it into service early provided we receive TCEQ approval.

Well No. 8 (addition to Kelly Plant): Bids were received and City Council awarded the Contract to Weisinger, Inc.  The Contractor is obtaining bonds and insurance for the project and will return the contracts with the additional documents when complete. A pre-construction conference with a notice to proceed will be scheduled once the Contractor’s bonds and insurance are received and verified.


12/29/22 Update:

We have learned that there are no remaining connections available, according to our City Engineer.

Well No. 7 at Water Plant No. 3:  The Contractor has moved the drilling equipment back on-site and will begin working on the first week of January. The intent is to begin under-reaming the well and setting the production casing and screens followed by gravel packing the well.  Once this is complete, the Contractor can begin cleaning out the drilling mud followed by test pumping the well to determine actual capacity.

Well No. 8: The City received bids for Well No. 8 on December 21st.  The low bidder is Weisinger Incorporated (the driller for Well No. 7).  We will present the bids to the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting for approval and award of the Contract on January 10th.