Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the required fees to transfer the utilities into my name after closing on my home?
A:  Residential and commercial accounts require a deposit of $200.00. Lessee and Commercial accounts with over 1-inch meters require a deposit of $350.00. An application fee of $35.00 is always required. If paying with card, a small percentage will be added to the payment to cover card-processing.

Q:  Why do I have to pay Impact Fees when I have a new water and/or sewer tap installed?

A: An impact fee is a fee that is implemented by a local government on a new or proposed development to help assist or pay for a portion of the costs that the new development may cause with public services. They are considered to be a charge on new development to help fund and pay for the construction or needed expansion of offsite capital improvements. These fees are usually implemented to help reduce the economic burden on local jurisdictions that are trying to deal with population growth within the area.

Q:  Is there a dump/ hazardous waste facility in the City of Magnolia?

A: No, the City of Magnolia does not have a dump. Waste Management operates the Security landfill and can be reached at (281) 592-3543 for disposal costs, hours, and general information. The local hazardous waste landfill is located in Spring and can be reached at (281)367-7283 for more information.

Q: I do not have services with the City of Magnolia. Can the City tell me who my water/sewer/garbage/electrical provider/providers are?

A: No, the City of Magnolia only has information for the Magnolia area. Electricity providers can be found through We do not have all of the providers and districts for the areas. You should contact your Realtor, the Home Owners Association or the landlord/previous owners of the home to find out who the providers are.